The ISPRS SC Webinar Series

Monitoring Air Quality in the NCR, Philippines through Geospatial Technologies

Webinar Series


Existing continuous monitoring stations provide reliable data on the ambient air quality in a specific region. But, a small number of distributed monitoring stations over a large area fails to fully characterize the pollutant concentration’s spatial variations. Thus, there is a need to utilize other methods to generate a representative surface.

In this talk, Asst. Prof. Roseanne V. Ramos from University of the Philippines Diliman will talk about how, project AiRMoVE, implemented by the UP TCAGP, will address these limitations posed by the ground monitoring system in the NCR, Philippines using geospatial technologies such as Remote Sensing, Geographic Information Systems and air dispersion modeling techniques.




Student Consortium

The International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Student Consortium (ISPRS SC) is the official representation of the students and the youth to ISPRS.

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The ISPRS Student Consortium
c/o ISPRS SC President
Thru: ISPRS - Headquarters
c/o Institut für Photogrammetrie und GeoInformation (IPI)
Leibniz Universität Hannover
Nienburger Str. 1
D-30167 Hannover