
Article I. 

Name and Office

Section 1. Name and Definition

The name of the Organization shall be the International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing (ISPRS) Student Consortium (ISPRS SC), hereinafter in these Statutes ISPRS and ISPRS SC called the Society and the Consortium, respectively. The Consortium represents a constituency of the students and the young professionals with common interests and goals within the Society in the areas of photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information science. Photogrammetry is the science and technology of extracting reliable three‐dimensional geometric and thematic information, often over time, of objects and scenes from image and range data. Remote sensing is the science and technology of capturing, processing and analysing imagery, in conjunction with other physical data of the Earth and the planets, from sensors in space, in the air and on the ground. Spatial Information Science is concerned with the modelling, storage, processing, retrieval, application and communication of information with a spatial reference. The Consortium shall act as a liaison and
provide a communications forum for and between all interested members on issues that are of importance and affect their relationship with the Society. In the organization of the Society, the Consortium directly reports to the ISPRS Council via an Advisory Committee (AC) appointed by the ISPRS Council.

Section 2. Office Location

The principal office of the Consortium shall be the office of ISPRS. The Consortium may have such other offices as may from time to time be designated by the Board of the Consortium.


Article II. 

Vision, Mission, and Core Values

Section 1. Vision

The Society and the Consortium share the same vision of supporting global research, development and application of imaging and geospatial information to improve decision‐making, sustain communities, and enhance quality of life around the world.

Section 2. Mission

The main purpose of the Consortium is to link students, young researchers and professionals worldwide, interested in photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information science, to promote their scientific and professional developments as well as advocate imaging and geospatial science for informed, scientifically valid, and technologically sound observations of Earth conditions and trends that lead to improved and effective decision‐making.

Section 3. Core Values

  • Promoting the Society, the profession, and the development, adoption and practice of the scientific methods to students and the youth to integrate them to the structure and activities of the Society.
  • Organizing scientific activities and social events to provide opportunities for students and the youth to develop their professional networks, especially in countries where geospatial information science and technology is still undeveloped.
  • Planning and organizing activities for students and youth that will provide them with opportunities to attend ISPRS events at a minimum cost and through scholarships/grants, if available.
  • Seeking sponsors in coordination with The ISPRS Foundation (TIF) to provide financial support to qualified students and young professionals to participate in ISPRS and Consortium related events.
  • Publishing papers about the activities, developments and advances in the Consortium at conferences, particularly during the ISPRS Congress, Midterm Symposia, and the Geospatial Week.
  • Publishing the ISPRS SC Newsletter regularly by collecting contributions from members and organizations, and interviewing experts and professionals in the fields of photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information science as well as other significant articles that may provide knowledge and up‐to‐date information to the Consortium members.
  • Maintaining the Consortium website and supporting the Consortium presence in the social media.
  • Organizing educational activities, such as trainings, workshops, job fairs and summer schools at ISPRS events as well as where it is feasible with the support of a local organizing committee.
  • Coordinating and supporting regional and national activities related to photogrammetry, remote sensing and spatial information science, initiating and maintaining cooperation with relevant international, regional and national organizations.
  • Promoting ethical standards to strengthen student learning and professional practice.


Article III. 


Section 1. Classes of Membership

Membership in the Consortium shall be classified in the following categories: Individual, Organization, and Honorary Member. Membership is obtained by submitting a Consortium Member application to the Board of the Consortium. Membership becomes effective after approval by the Board. Members with approved application are eligible to participate in all Consortium activities, subject to any limitations on their membership type described in this Article III.

Section 2. Individual Member

An Individual Member, i.e. a student pursuing undergraduate, master’s or doctorate (PhD) degrees or a young professional, is an individual involved in the science and engineering disciplines associated with imaging and geospatial information and shall be entitled to all rights and privileges of the Consortium applicable to Individual Members, including the right to vote.

Section 3. Organization Member

Organization Member is either a student organization or an accredited organization, involved in education and/or research in the science and engineering disciplines associated with imaging and geospatial information. An Organization Member shall be entitled to all rights and privileges of the Consortium applicable to Individual Members, except the right to vote and have its representatives hold office. An applicant for admission as an Organization Member shall file with the Board of the Consortium a signed statement of concern for, and involvement in, the vision, mission, and core values of the Consortium by completing an application form. Completion of the form shall constitute fulfilment of admission requirements.

Section 4. Honorary Member

An Honorary Member is an individual of high professional standing within the Society or within a sister society. An Honorary Member shall be entitled to all rights and privileges of the Consortium applicable to Individual Members, except the right to vote. Candidates for Honorary Membership may be proposed by any individual member of the Consortium, and must be approved by the ISPRS Council before Honorary Members are elected by the Consortium at its meeting at the ISPRS Congress. A maximum of two Honorary Members may be elected at any Congress. Proposals shall summarize the accomplishments of the candidate and be submitted to the President of the Consortium at least one year before the next ISPRS Congress. Proposals shall be reviewed by the Board of the Consortium. Honorary Members shall have the right to attend all meetings of the Consortium.

Section 5. Membership Termination

Membership may be terminated in any of the following ways:

  1. Any member desiring to resign from the Consortium shall submit their resignation in writing to the Board of the Consortium.
  2. Any member who does not maintain his/her qualifications for membership or honor the terms of his/her membership agreement shall be subject to immediate termination by the Board of the Consortium.
  3. Any member may be separated for any other reason not described in Section 5(b) of this Article III by a two‐thirds vote of the Board of the Consortium present at a duly convened Board meeting. The member shall have the opportunity to respond to the separation decision to the Board. The Board shall make a final decision on the member’s membership status after hearing the member’s response by a majority vote of the Board present at a duly convened Board meeting, and this decision of the Board shall be final.


Article IV. 

Officers and Board of Directors

Section 1. Elective Officers

The Elective Officers of the Consortium shall be the President, Vice President, and four Board Members at large.

Section 2. President

The President shall be the principal Elective Officer of the Consortium, shall preside at Consortium Meetings of the Consortium and at meetings of the Board of Directors. The President, as the leader of the Board has Executive Power, and shall provide guidance for promoting the welfare and effectiveness of the Consortium, and shall perform such other duties as are necessarily incident to the office of President or as may be prescribed by the Board of Directors.

Section 2. Vice President

The Vice President shall perform, as necessary, the duties of the President in the event of disability or other absence of the President, shall oversee the activities of the Consortium, and shall have such other duties as the President or the Board of Directors may assign. The Vice President shall provide secretarial support for the President, including maintaining the membership database, recording the minutes of meetings, communicating to membership, and organizing meetings.

Section 3. Board Members at large

The Website Administrator, the Social Media Coordinator, the Newsletter Editor, and the Newsletter Designer shall perform specific tasks, as defined in Article V of these Statutes.

Section 4. Board of Directors

The Board of Directors shall consist of the six Elective Officers. All Officers shall have equal voting rights. In case of a tie, the President vote will decide the case.

Section 5. Nomination and Election Procedures

Elective Officers

  1. All the elective offices represent a two‐year initial commitment, and are automatically renewed for another two years unless the Officer decides to retire.
  2. Nominations for any vacant Elective Officer position of the Consortium shall be made by the Board of Directors.
  3. The Board of Directors shall nominate candidates for the office of President, Vice President and Board Members at large on or before a date that is four months prior to the date of a Meeting of the Consortium, defined in Article VII, or the announced resignation date of any Consortium Board Members. An announcement of the nominations shall be made in a Consortium publication, including social media, received by the members three months prior to the dates specified above. Additional nominations may be made by a nominating letter signed by no fewer than 10 voting members of the Consortium, to be received by the Board of Directors no later than three months prior to the date defined above. Each candidate shall submit a biographical sketch and a photograph, to be received by the Board of Directors no later than two months prior to the date defined above.
  4. The Board of Directors shall certify that all nominees are qualified, willing to serve, and meet the requirements set forth in these Statutes before the announcement of nominees. Nominees may not be candidates for Vice President and President positions simultaneously.

Section 6. Terms of Office

  1. Each Elective Officer shall take office during the Meeting of the Consortium and shall serve until the successor is duly elected and installed at the consecutive Meeting of the Consortium. In case of early resignation of an Elective Officer, the new Elective Officer shall be installed once the due election process is completed.
  2. Incomplete terms of any Elective Officer may be temporarily filled for the balance of the term by a Presidential appointee approved by the Board of Directors at any regular or special Board meeting.
  3. On any other occasion when a position cannot be filled by procedures defined within these Statutes, the President may appoint an individual to the position with the concurrence of the Board of Directors.

Section 7. Diversity of the Board Directors

  1. The President and the Vice President must have different nationality, defined by their permanent residency, such as the country of studying.
  2. There may be no more than two Board Members with the same nationality.
  3. No President can serve more than two consecutive terms.
  4. A newly elected President shall be from a different country than the outgoing President.


Article V. 


Section 1. Responsibilities of the Board of Directors

The Board of Directors shall have control and direction of the affairs of the Consortium and shall determine its policies in accordance with the laws under which the Society is organized and within the provisions of the Statutes of the Consortium. Its powers and responsibilities shall include the following:

  1. To determine the privileges of members;
  2. To make appropriations for specific purposes;
  3. To authorize public statements on behalf of the Consortium;
  4. To foster and oversee relations with related organizations;
  5. To suggest changes to the Statutes of the Consortium to the ISPRS Council;
  6. To report Board actions and activities to the members of the Consortium at least on a yearly basis;
  7. To report Board actions and activities to the ISPRS Council at least on a yearly basis;
  8. To take measures to advance the disciplines and interests of the Consortium and of the profession; and
  9. To fill vacancies on the Board of Directors caused by resignation, death, disability, or flagrant neglect of performance after declaring the office vacant.


Section 2. Responsibilities of the Elective Officers

The President shall have supervision of the affairs of the Consortium, presiding at all Consortium Meetings and meetings of the Board of Directors. The President represents the Consortium in issues concerning the ISPRS Council, providing the primary communication link between the Society and the Consortium.
In addition to the responsibilities stated in Article IV, the Vice President shall assist the President as necessary and shall, in the absence of the President, assume the duties of the President, in succession.

Section 3. Responsibilities of the Website Administrator

The Website Administrator, in cooperation with the Board of Directors, coordinates and maintains the design and content of the Consortium website.

Section 4. Responsibilities of the Social Media Coordinator

The Social Media Coordinator, in cooperation with the Website Administrator, manages all social media platforms, including Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, and Flickr, etc., by distributing the Consortium Newsletter, and any news and announcements relevant to members.

Section 5. Responsibilities of the Newsletter Editor

The Newsletter Editor, in cooperation with the Board of Directors, is responsible for providing the content for the Consortium Newsletter and its timely publication. The responsibilities include seeking contributions from the Consortium members and the Society at large, and by interacting with the ISPRS Journal editors and other media persons.

Section 6. Responsibilities of the Newsletter Designer

The Newsletter Designer, in cooperation with the Newsletter Editor, supports the publishing of the Consortium Newsletter, and is primarily responsible for its graphical design.

Section 7. Advisory Committee to the Board

The ISPRS Council shall appoint an Advisory Committee that provides support for the SC President and the Board of the Directors. The Advisory Committee is led by an ISPRS Council Member, and shall have two other members who have past experiences with the Consortium and, if possible, one of them should be a member of TIF.


Article VI. 


Section 1. Membership Dues and Fees

There are no dues and fees to be a member of the Consortium.

Section 2. Budget

Financial matters shall be administered by the ISPRS Treasurer.


Article VII. 


Section 1. Consortium

  1. There shall be a Meeting of the Consortium at every ISPRS Congress, and at any time approved by the Board of Directors, including Midterm Symposium, Geospatial Week, Summer School, Youth Forum, etc. The Meeting of the Consortium, which is open to all Consortium members, serves to conduct Consortium business, including the installation of Officers. Notice of such meeting shall be given by the President in a publication of the Consortium to reach the membership no fewer than three months prior to the date of the meeting.
  2. A Meeting of the Consortium may be called by the SC President with a majority approval of the Board of Directors, or by the President upon the written request of five percent of the voting members of the Consortium. The President shall notify members, at least 30 days in advance, of the time, place, and subjects to be considered.
  3. A quorum for the transaction of business at Consortium meetings shall be 10 percent of the membership eligible to vote. The presiding officer may adjourn the meeting from time to time until a quorum is present.
  4. Other meetings of the Consortium, in the form of symposia, conferences, conventions or others, for the principal purpose of exchanging information may be held with the approval of the Board of Directors. Such meetings may be co‐sponsored by other organizations having kindred interests, and shall be widely advertised in Consortium publications.

Section 2. Board of Directors

  1. a. The Board of Directors shall normally meet four times each calendar year. The Board shall also meet upon call of the President or upon demand of a majority of its members. Notice of meetings, together with the agenda, shall be sent to all Board members to be received at least ten days in advance of the meeting.
  2. When the Board of Directors cannot meet in person, the Board Meeting may be accomplished by a meeting using electronic teleconference/video conference.
  3. A simple majority of the voting members of the Board of Directors shall constitute a quorum at any meeting of the Board. If less than a simple majority are in attendance, the presiding officer may adjourn from time to time until a quorum is present when motions are necessary.
  4. Any action required or permitted to be taken at a meeting of the Board of Directors may be taken without a meeting, provided all Board members consent in writing, including by mail, fax, or e‐mail, and set forth in the same writing the action or decision taken or made. Unanimous consent in writing shall have the same force and effect as a decision made by vote at a meeting, and may be described as such in any document executed by or on behalf of the Consortium.
  5. In the event of absence of any member of the Board of Directors from two consecutive meetings of the Board, the President shall call the matter to the attention of the Board. Any Board member who misses two or more consecutive meetings of the Board may be removed for flagrant neglect of performance by a vote of a majority of the other Board members then serving on the Board (not counting the member in question either to a quorum or for that vote).
  6. Members of the Board of Directors shall not receive any compensation for their services but may be authorized for reimbursement for expenses in accordance with Society policies and procedures for such payments.

Section 3. Voting at Meetings of the Consortium

At Meetings of the Consortium, decisions shall be taken by a simple majority of votes passed, provided the number of votes cast is at least equivalent to 10% of the membership eligible to vote. Only Consortium members shall have the right to vote, each member shall have one vote. In order to vote in the election of Consortium officers, any voting person must have approved membership prior to the announcement of the respective nominations. No member shall represent or vote for another member. Voting can be conducted in person or by electronic means. If the President or any Consortium member so requests, the vote shall be taken by secret ballot.

Section 4. Membership Ballots

Whenever, in the judgment of the Board of Directors, any major question shall arise which it believes should be put to a vote of the membership and when it deems it is not expedient to call a Meeting of the Consortium for such purpose, the Board may, unless otherwise required by these Statutes, submit such a matter to the membership in writing by mail and/or electronic vote. The question thus presented shall be decided according to a majority of the votes cast by mail and/or electronically within 30 days after its submission to the membership, provided that votes of at least 10% of the Consortium members eligible to vote shall be received. Action taken as a result of such vote shall be binding upon the Consortium in the same manner as would action taken at a duly called meeting.


Article VIII. 


Section 1. Purpose

The Consortium shall have an active publication program to foster and promote the exchange of knowledge, ideas, and information about the sciences, technology, engineering, and operations in photogrammetry, remote sensing, and the related sciences and disciplines of the profession.

Section 2. Consortium Publications

The Consortium shall publish an Official Newsletter and may publish other publications, such as manuals, proceedings of technical meetings, and monographs, as determined by the Board of Directors.

Section 3. Official Newsletter

All members eligible shall be entitled to receive the Official Newsletter. Notices and announcements relating to Consortium affairs published in the Official Newsletter shall be deemed to have been brought to the attention of all members of the Consortium.


Article IX. 

Seal, Insignia and Logo

Section 1. Official Seal and Insignia

The Consortium shall have an official seal and insignia, with the original on file in the headquarters of the Consortium.

Section 2. Uses of the Official Seal and Insignia

The official seal and insignia (and/or a logo authorized by the Board of Directors) and the Society logo shall appear on correspondence, documents, and publications, and on banners, flags, membership pins and other such devices of the Consortium.

Section 3. Changes

Changes to the official seal and insignia shall require a two‐thirds vote of the Directors present at a duly convened Board meeting.


Article X. 


Section 1. Distribution of Assets

In the event of dissolution of the Consortium, any assets remaining shall be distributed to the Society.


Article XI. 


Section 1. Petition for Amendment

Amendment to these Statutes may be proposed in writing to the President by petition of at least four members of the Board of Directors or at least ten members who are qualified to vote.

Section 2. Amendment Procedure

Amendments proposed by the membership shall be considered by the Board of Directors after receipt by the President. The membership and the Board shall be advised of proposed amendments by notification in writing or in the Consortium’s Official Newsletter. The members shall provide comment within 30 days of notification. The Board shall receive member comments within 15 days after the closing of the member comment period. Proposed amendment(s) shall be considered by the Board at the next Board meeting that is at least 15 days after the Board has received member comments.

Section 3. Adoption

The Statutes and any amendments shall be adopted by a three‐quarters vote of the members then serving on the Board of Directors. To become effective, they also need to be subsequently approved by the ISPRS Council.

Last REVISED 15 August 2019
Amended as approved by the ISPRS Student Consortium and ISPRS Council

Student Consortium

The International Society for Photogrammetry and Remote Sensing Student Consortium (ISPRS SC) is the official representation of the students and the youth to ISPRS.

Our Contact

The ISPRS Student Consortium
c/o ISPRS SC President
Thru: ISPRS - Headquarters
c/o Institut für Photogrammetrie und GeoInformation (IPI)
Leibniz Universität Hannover
Nienburger Str. 1
D-30167 Hannover