The ISPRS SC Webinar Series
ISPRS WG III/3 Webinar Series 2025: Active Microwave Remote Sensing

This webinar is the part of the webinar series organised by the ISPRS WG III/3 (Active Microwave Remote Sensing) with the technical support of the ISPRS Student Consortium (ISPRS SC). It is organised on the second Wednesday of every months.
Program Details:
Duration: 1 hour: 40-45 minutes of lecture and 15-20 minutes for discussion.
Moderator: Prof Junichi Susaki
Title: Interferometric SAR and the European Ground Motion Service
The lecture will introduce the Persistent Scatterer Interferometry (PSI) technique and the European Ground Motion Service (EGMS). EGMS is a Copernicus Service devoted to the monitoring of land deformation phenomena. It is based on the PSI, which exploits data acquired by radar satellites. The EGMS covers all Europe (with some exceptions like Switzerland and a few Balkan countries) and the deformation phenomena from 2015 to date. The data of such a Service are open and free for everybody. The EGMS can be a game- changer in the field of deformation monitoring.
Speaker's Bio:
Michele Crosetto holds a civil engineering degree from the Politecnico di Torino (1993) and a doctorate in Topographic and Geodesic Sciences from the Politecnico di Milano (1998). He has worked in the Joint Research Centre of the European Commission in Ispra, Italy and as a researcher at the Cartographic Institute of Catalonia. He has formed part of the Institute of Geomatics since 2002. Since January 2014 is with CTTC, where now he is head of the Geomatics Division. His main research activity is related to the analysis of spaceborne, airborne and ground-based remote sensing data and the development of scientific and technical applications using active sensor types. In the last years he has been involved in a number of projects of the 5th, 6th and 7th and H2020 Framework Programmes of EU. In addition, he has been involved in different projects funded by ESA. He is the coordinator of the Advisory Board of the European Ground Motion Service.