The ISPRS SC Webinar Series

Digital Animal Conservation - From Flying UAVs to Mapping with Deep Learning


by Devis Tuia
21 May 2020

Monitoring wildlife populations is a complex business, since it involves monitoring over large areas, with complex terrains and counting living animals that move (and can also be dangerous at close range). For all these reasons, as well as to increase frequency and reduce costs, Unmanned Aerial Vehicles (UAVs) are more and more used. UAVs indeed acquire large amounts of data, but then also raise the problem of detecting and counting the animals, in order to provide accurate counts in an automatic way.

In this talk, Dr. Devis Tuia from Wageningen University will talk about how deep learning can help, especially when assisted by enthusiastic nature lovers willing to screen images for protecting wildlife.

About Dr. Devis Tuia: I have a Ph.D in environmental sciences from the University of Lausanne, Switzerland, which I got in 2009. Then, I traveled the world as a  Postdoc, first at the University of Valencia, and then at the University of Colorado, Boulder, CO and EPFL Lausanne. Between 2014 and 2017, I was an Assistant Professor at the University of Zurich. I am currently a Professor at  Wageningen University, the Netherlands. From September this year, I will join Ecole Polytechnique Fédérale de Lausanne, Switzerland, as an Associate Professor. The new lab will focus on environmental computational science and Earth observation (ECEO). It will search innovative ways to use computer vision and machine learning to tackle important problems in environmental science!  More info on 




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